The HR Leaders has unique conference sponsorship opportunities available that can help increase visibility and exposure of services and products. Conference sponsorship options include table-top booths, and exclusive sponsorships along with targeted marketing opportunities.

Benefits of Sponsoring

Enhance your brand by sponsoring your upcoming city summit.
Reach many of the top executives in person in your city.
Build your brand awareness through direct positive exposure to a receptive audience.

Questions? Call us now at 404-400-2424 or click: Schedule a Time to talk.
Download our Sponsor Kit or W9 information

Sponsorship Choices:

Diamond Yearly Sponsor.   $11,000 just $9500 if by Apr.1. Sign Up
• Exclusivity for your Industry Type as the Diamond Top Sponsor.
• An official top Diamond sponsor of all web meetings throughout the year.
• An official key Platinum sponsor of the Annual Main Web Meeting.
• Passes for up to 5 staff to all virtual events
• Attendee pre-registration list with full contact info.
• Logo and recognition for all online events held such as our Yearly Leadership Conference.
• Post attended list with contact details for follow-up
• Logo displayed on the website and at each event day.
• One Yearly email campaign to registered event participants or the CEOs of 1 metro of your choice.

Platinum Yearly Sponsor.   $9,000 just $7500 if by Apr.1. Sign Up
• An official key Platinum sponsor of all web meetings throughout the year.
• An official key Platinum sponsor of the Annual Main Web Meeting.
• Passes for up to 3 staff to all virtual events per year.
• Post attended list with contact details for follow-up
• Logo displayed on the website and at each event beginning.
• Logo and recognition for any additional online events held such as our Yearly Leadership Conference.

Gold Yearly Sponsor.   $6,000 just $4900 if by Apr.1. Sign Up
• A Gold sponsor of the Annual Main Web Meeting.
• Passes for up to 2 staff to all our virtual events.
• Logo displayed on the website and at each event beginning.

Silver Main Event Sponsor.   $4,000 just $2900 if by Apr.1. Sign Up
• A Silver sponsor of the Annual Main Web Meeting.
• Passes for up to 2 staff to all our virtual events per year.
• Logo displayed on the website and at event day beginnings.

Sign Up

Once received, we will send you complete next steps for your sponsorship level.
If you have any questions please call us at 404-400-2424

Comments if any:
Event City(s):
(You may substitute cities/dates later as wished).
State:    Zip/Postal:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Cell/Emergency Phone:
Payment Method:
Expires (mm/yy):
Security Code: (usually 3 digits)
Name on Card:
Billing Address (if different):
Billing City:
Billing State:    Zip/Postal:
   I agree to the Sponsoring Exhibitor Terms below.

Sponsorship Contacts

Call Us.

Shelly Fisher

Email Us.

Sponsor Feedback

"I pretty much stopped doing these types of events because of poor attendee quality and volume but this totally changed my mind. I'm going to send out an internal email to my peers recommending they do your events. "  - T.Solomon, Commercial Accounts Manager

"I attended and appreciated that there was a large turnout."  - J.Redifer, Product Development Engineer

"I think you provide excellent value for the cost."  - O. Rove, TCI

"I thought the event was good - looking forward to the next one."  - D. Chase, Sales Manager

"It is nice to see a 3rd party vendor drive folks to an event."  - J. Saylor, Sales Manager

"Met some great people and potential partnerships."  - T.Yacoub, Sr. Product Manager

"Please send us the next list of cities; we are definitely interested in doing more."  - J.Worley, Channel Alliance Manager

"The event went just as planned and we were very happy with the turnout. Thank you so much for all the help! Look forward to more of these events."  - K.Grenon,PBL

"Enjoyed the level of speakers as well as varied experiences and backgrounds...Overall content shared was unique and engaging."  - Lauren Unell, Industry Relations Manager, Cox Automotive

"Liked having relatable speakers that share their personal story highlighting their struggle and leading up to their current state of success."  - Kathija Mohammed, Director, AAHOA

"The Mix of presenters was very valuable/interesting. Enjoyed the Panel discussion and open audience Q&A."  - Tia Bryant, Executive Director, S Phase

"The Summit was fantastic. Very encouraging to hear different HR from diverse backgrounds share their experiences."  - Ashley Murdock, Quotes Specialist, Schneider Electric

"Event location was clean and beautiful, Enjoyed everything!!"  - Jennifer Efferson, Chief Administrative Officer, The Powers Company

"Liked the diverse selection of the speakers, each had a great story to tell which provided various skill sets that attribute to HR’s Leadership."  - Evelyn Pope, Manager Facilities, Harland Clarke

"The conference was very enjoyable. Really felt moved and am making some positive changes in my life as we speak."  - Jennifer Efferson, Chief Administrative Officer, The Powers Company

"I think the concept of the Summit is AMAZING and please continue to do it."  - Victoria Myers, Director of Compliance, Conisus

"I attended and appreciated that there wa a large turnout."  - Justin Redifer, ProviderTrust

"I liked the networking the best. I think this years was the best I have been to. Keep up the good work."  - Mark Ridings, TWRA

"I liked the variety of speakers that attended and the how each of them brought something new and exciting to the table to learn from."  - Lauren Ewers, HR Coordinator, Veristor Systems

"I enjoyed the booking of high caliber HR as guest speakers."  - Lynn Mcgee, Marketing Manager, FiduciaryVest

"I enjoyed the entire day. The speakers were the best!"  - Susan Waits, V.P. Business Development, HSI Financial Services

"I thought all of the guest speakers did great!"  - Sandra Wingard, Asst. Director of Program, Girl Scouts

"I really enjoyed the speakers. I thought everyone was very accomplished & inspiring."  - Rachel Kohl, Digital Asset Manager, Turner Broadcasting

"I liked that there were multiple speakers for shorter time frames which kept the audience engaged and not at risk of losing interest."  - Paula Wood, Talent Delivery Team Lead, McKesson

"The speakers selected for the event were captivating and engaging which kept the audience focused."  - Alicia Clem, Marketing Manager, Pattillo Construction

"I liked the variety of presentation topics and how personable each one was."  - Alicia Clem, Marketing Manager, Pattillo Construction

"I really enjoyed the variety of presentations and panel members. Made for a well-rounded takeaway of information."  - Marissa Swanson, Architect, Rosser International

"Great speakers!"  - Donna Kain, Director Private Wealth Management, Synovus