Meeting Dates
All webconferences begin at 12 noon Eastern unless noted below and are also both recorded and summarized for our international members and those with schedule conflicts.• 2019: 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, 5/7, 6/4, 7/9, 8/6, 9/10, 10/1, 11/5, 12/3.
• 2020: 1/7, 2/4, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/8, 10/6, 11/3, 12/1.
• 2021: 1/23, 2/20, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15, 6/19, 7/24, 8/21, 9/18, 10/16, 11/27, 12/18.
Meeting Topics and Discussion Leaders.
Any missed? Available on the member portal in both video and PDF summaries.
Nike, Darrin Podeschi, VP of Global Innovation, Design, Product and Merchandising.
Discussing: "Molding an Organization for Innovation."
Intuit, Suchin Upadhyayula, Director, Product Development.
Discussing: "Fostering Innovation Within PD Teams"."
Ericsson, Anders Caspar, Director of Software Research.
Discussing: "Using New Technology in Product Development."
Hewlett Packard, John Stoffel, Director of Research.
Discussing: "The Future Roadmap Process for Product Development."
Mazda, Norio Minato, VP of Research and Development .
Discussing: "Brand Strategy & Technologies."
Adobe, Doug Benson, Sr. Director of Product Development.
Discussing: "Great Teams, Great Products: Lessons for Team Leaders."
The Clorox Company, Doug Milliken, VP, Global Brand Development.
Discussing: "Building BIG Ideas: Adopting Design Thinking to Create Breakthrough."
AMD, Jim Slevin, Director of Market Research.
Discussing: "Market Research and It's Influence on Product Development."
BASF Plastics, Mark Minnichelli, Director, Technology and Development, Engineering Plastics.
Discussing: "Global vs. Local Product Development."
Citrix Online, Sampath Gomatam, VP, Product Line, GoToMeeting.
Discussing: "Customer Focused Development."
Welch Allyn, Louise McDonald, President and International Product Development EVP.
Discussing: "Managing Global Product Development."
Rockwell Collins, Ted Dougan, Senior MEE.
Discussing: "A Holistic Approach to a Lifecycle Test Strategy & Product Development."
Hewlett Packard, Lisa Boyd-Oliver, Product Development Manager.
Discussing: "Innovation Fail! A Product Managers View from the Trenches."
J.D. Power and Associates, Michael Cooperman, Senior Director of Consumer Marketing.
Discussing: "Using Social Media for Product Research and Development."
Analog Devices, Damien McCartney, Product Development Engineering Manager.
Discussing: "Managing Your Product Development Team."
Agilent, Bob Burns, VP/GM Nano Technologies.
Discussing: "A Holostic Look at New Product Development."
Owens Corning, Kerry Desberg, Global Brand Manager.
Discussing: "8 Ways to Make Sure You Are a Strong Steward of Your Company's Credibility in the World of Sustainability."
Oracle Corporation, Jonathan Vinoskey, Product Strategist.
Discussing: "Product Strategy as a Function of Market Maturity."
HP, Bret Dodd, Head of Research.
Discussing: "Migrating from Waterfall to Lean Product Development."
SAP, Thierry Zundel, Consultant Project Principal.
Discussing: "Compliance Checks in Product Development."
Pepperidge Farm, Jennifer Lannom, Corporate Manager, HPO & Operational Excellence.
Discussing: "High Performance Product Development Organization."
U.S. Bancorp, Kristine Oberg, VP, Industry Solutions Strategist.
Discussing: "Voice of the Customer: Focusing Product Development Through Listening."
Cargill, John Sweeney, Director of Food Applications, North America.
Discussing: "Innovation and the Launch of a Product."
Xerox, Charles M. Alexander, VP Worldwide Quality and Customer Loyalty.
Discussing: "How Service Can Enable Better Product Development."
The Boston Consulting Group, Michael Sherman, Partner and Managing Director.
Discussing: "Product Development Challenges for Technology Companies."
The Associated Press, Colleen Newvine, Product Manager, AP Stylebook.
Discussing: "Finding New Life in an Established Product."
Ericsson, Julio Alonso-Lopez, Vice President, Head of IP Systems.
Discussing: "Device Usage Propels Sweeping Change."
Dun & Bradstreet, Joshua Peirez, President of Global Marketing & Innovation.
Discussing: "The Experience Matter User Centric Design and Service."
Xerox, Don Titterington, VP, Consumables Development and Manufacturing Group.
Discussing: "Reducing Risk in Moving from "R" to D" - Adaptation of NASA's "TRL" Metrics."
Computerworld-InfoWorld, Paul Calento, SVP Strategic Development.
Discussing: "Under the Radar Innovation: Getting a Project Greenlighted."
SAS Institute, Paul Kent, VP Big Data.
Discussing: "Enabling Innovation from Development Teams."
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, Bruce Schacne, VP/Head, Development in The Americas.
Discussing: "Product Development for Professional Services."
TiVo, Margret Schmidt, VP, Design & Engineering, Chief Design Officer,.
Discussing: "What if Designers Were Responsible for Shipping Products?"
Raytheon, William Russell, Senior Manager, Performance Consulting.
Discussing: "Six Sigma at its Best-Six Sigma in New Product Development."
Intuit, Bill Mirbach, Vice President of Marketing Innovation and Creativity.
Discussing: "How to Figure Out What to Build Next."
LinkedIn, Scott Roberts, Senior Director, Business Development.
Discussing: "Professional Networking and the Role of Business Alliances in a Web 2.0 World."
Applebee's, Melissa Haupt, Executive Research Chief.
Discussing: "Perfect Pretzel."
Analytic Design Group, Karyn Zuidinga, Principal & Director of User Experience.
Discussing: "From Insight to Innovation: The Search for Unconventional Wisdom."
YRC Worldwide, Mike Brown, Vice President of Marketing Strategy.
Discussing: "Cultivating a Strategic Brand Perspective."
Halliburton, Jay Burris, Director of Development for Completion and Product Division.
Discussing: "Corporate Product Innovation in a Decentralized Organization."
The Allied Group, Brian Butler, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
Discussing: "Bull's-Eye Marketing."
McGraw-Hill, John Marshall, Vice President of Global Product Development.
Discussing: "Innovation and Execution: "Fostering a Culture of Innovation in a Traditional Business Environment."
Bank of America, David Price, Executive in Residence; Center for Future Banking.
Discussing: "Visions of the Future in Product Development."

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Discussing: "Molding an Organization for Innovation."

Discussing: "Fostering Innovation Within PD Teams"."

Discussing: "Using New Technology in Product Development."

Discussing: "The Future Roadmap Process for Product Development."

Discussing: "Brand Strategy & Technologies."

Discussing: "Great Teams, Great Products: Lessons for Team Leaders."

Discussing: "Building BIG Ideas: Adopting Design Thinking to Create Breakthrough."

Discussing: "Market Research and It's Influence on Product Development."

Discussing: "Global vs. Local Product Development."

Discussing: "Customer Focused Development."

Discussing: "Managing Global Product Development."

Discussing: "A Holistic Approach to a Lifecycle Test Strategy & Product Development."

Discussing: "Innovation Fail! A Product Managers View from the Trenches."

Discussing: "Using Social Media for Product Research and Development."

Discussing: "Managing Your Product Development Team."

Discussing: "A Holostic Look at New Product Development."

Discussing: "8 Ways to Make Sure You Are a Strong Steward of Your Company's Credibility in the World of Sustainability."

Discussing: "Product Strategy as a Function of Market Maturity."

Discussing: "Migrating from Waterfall to Lean Product Development."

Discussing: "Compliance Checks in Product Development."

Discussing: "High Performance Product Development Organization."

Discussing: "Voice of the Customer: Focusing Product Development Through Listening."

Discussing: "Innovation and the Launch of a Product."

Discussing: "How Service Can Enable Better Product Development."

Discussing: "Product Development Challenges for Technology Companies."

Discussing: "Finding New Life in an Established Product."

Discussing: "Device Usage Propels Sweeping Change."

Discussing: "The Experience Matter User Centric Design and Service."

Discussing: "Reducing Risk in Moving from "R" to D" - Adaptation of NASA's "TRL" Metrics."

Discussing: "Under the Radar Innovation: Getting a Project Greenlighted."

Discussing: "Enabling Innovation from Development Teams."

Discussing: "Product Development for Professional Services."

Discussing: "What if Designers Were Responsible for Shipping Products?"

Discussing: "Six Sigma at its Best-Six Sigma in New Product Development."

Discussing: "How to Figure Out What to Build Next."

Discussing: "Professional Networking and the Role of Business Alliances in a Web 2.0 World."

Discussing: "Perfect Pretzel."

Discussing: "From Insight to Innovation: The Search for Unconventional Wisdom."

Discussing: "Cultivating a Strategic Brand Perspective."

Discussing: "Corporate Product Innovation in a Decentralized Organization."

Discussing: "Bull's-Eye Marketing."

Discussing: "Innovation and Execution: "Fostering a Culture of Innovation in a Traditional Business Environment."

Discussing: "Visions of the Future in Product Development."

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